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Tuesday, October 27, 2015
What Happens When Domain Names Expire?
Ever wonder what happens when a domain name expires? If the domain name registration, reservation, renewal and expiration process seems a little murky to you, you are not alone. The "expiration" process is particularly misunderstood (and complicated), and it is very helpful to know how it works, particularly when watching a parked domain, or one that is pending deletion, and determining whether to try and buy it from the domain owner, or put it on "back-order" with one of the registrars, or take some other action.
There is an entire industry that does nothing but try to exploit expiring domain names, and the process and nomenclature is explained in excellent detail at this site.
Here is a quick summary from the reference site (at least for .com/.net/.org/.info/.biz/.us. domains):
Generally speaking, once a domain expires, the owner has 1-75 days to renew it, and the costs associated with a renewal usually increase as the domain moves from Hold (Registrar-Hold) to RGP (Redemption Grace Period).
During the Hold and RGP stage, the DNS, e-mail and web services cease to work for the expired domain. The domain gets removed from the zone file and does not appear to resolve (cannot find server error is displayed in the browser).
Once a domain reaches the deletion stage in the cycle (also known as PendingDelete) it can no longer be renewed and is marked for deletion by the registry. There are approximately 35,000 domains that go through the PendingDelete cycle daily.
After the 5 day PendingDelete cycle (or if a registrar chooses to immediately delete a domain), a domain drops and once again becomes available for registration.
Here are some interesting facts about the domain drop cycle:
120,000 to 200,000 domains expire daily due to non-renewals. Many of these are renewed as soon as the registrant realizes that their e-mail or site no longer works.
25,500 to 60,000 domains drop (become available) daily as part of the regular drop cycle.
Approximately 1.5 million domains are registered and dropped daily as part of domain tasting.
The official drop time for .com/.net is between 11 AM and 2 PM Pacific time (domains are deleted in batches throughout this period).
Source: http://techknowledgyblog.squarespace.com/techknowledgy-blog/2012/1/10/what-happens-when-domain-names-expire.html
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Carl Jung Depth Psychology: But how can I attain the knowledge of the heart?
Carl Jung Depth Psychology: But how can I attain the knowledge of the heart?: But how can I attain the knowledge of the heart? You can attain this knowledge only by living your life to the full. You live your life fu...
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
3 Lists of 10 things to generate income.
Here's a list of ten digital goods and information products you can create and sell online for some extra cash.
2.Digital Photo Collections
3.Turnkey Websites
4.Website Scripts
5.Exclusive Access to a Private Website or Mailing List
6.Graphics & Website Templates
7.SEO Research Reports
8.Aggregated Data & Lists
10.Content Databases
Here's 10 insights for recession survival during tough financial challenges.
1.Work harder, work smarter - put that extra 10% in each day, and make sure you are using all of your time effectively.
2.Choose your debts wisely - don't borrow unless there is a clear advantage in the near-term.
3.Nurture existing relationships - make more of existing customer relationships to offset a downsized advertising budget, and explore existing business partnerships for new opportunities.
4.Tune in to your customer's finances - offer discounts and big sales.
5.Get feedback from your customers - they might tell you that next great idea or help inspire new blue oceans for your business.
6.Monetize effectively - evaluate your product and service pricing models for new opportunities or more competitive & profitable pricing strategies.
7.Reduce unnecessary expenses - an obvious choice, but there are often small expenses that go unnoticed.
8.Watch cash flow - don't keep too much cash on hand or you're not maximizing your budget, but don't let it get too tight or you could accrue new interest charges, banking fees, etc. when the bills are paid late. Review your money situation daily.
9.Find bargain investments - when times are tough you can find some of the best bargains on new investments, so use any extra cash to take advantage of these rare opportunities and set yourself up for the future. Remember the heightened risk of investing in an unsure market - only the strongest will survive this cleansing period.
10.Create a virus - make something that your customers will absolutely love, and give it to them for free or extremely cheap. Let them spread the ideavirus. Turn them into loyal followers instead of just passive customers.
Here's a list of 10 ways to make money online, does any of these interest you?
1.Make Money With Blogging
2.Sell Digital Products
3.Run a Network of Turnkey Websites
4.Review Products & Digital Goods
5.Sell Informational Articles & eBooks
6.Affiliate Marketing
7.Sell Advertising and Website Promotion Services
8.Flip Websites
9.Buy and Sell Domain Names
10.Have a Big Idea
thank you for visiting my blog.
2.Digital Photo Collections
3.Turnkey Websites
4.Website Scripts
5.Exclusive Access to a Private Website or Mailing List
6.Graphics & Website Templates
7.SEO Research Reports
8.Aggregated Data & Lists
10.Content Databases
Here's 10 insights for recession survival during tough financial challenges.
1.Work harder, work smarter - put that extra 10% in each day, and make sure you are using all of your time effectively.
2.Choose your debts wisely - don't borrow unless there is a clear advantage in the near-term.
3.Nurture existing relationships - make more of existing customer relationships to offset a downsized advertising budget, and explore existing business partnerships for new opportunities.
4.Tune in to your customer's finances - offer discounts and big sales.
5.Get feedback from your customers - they might tell you that next great idea or help inspire new blue oceans for your business.
6.Monetize effectively - evaluate your product and service pricing models for new opportunities or more competitive & profitable pricing strategies.
7.Reduce unnecessary expenses - an obvious choice, but there are often small expenses that go unnoticed.
8.Watch cash flow - don't keep too much cash on hand or you're not maximizing your budget, but don't let it get too tight or you could accrue new interest charges, banking fees, etc. when the bills are paid late. Review your money situation daily.
9.Find bargain investments - when times are tough you can find some of the best bargains on new investments, so use any extra cash to take advantage of these rare opportunities and set yourself up for the future. Remember the heightened risk of investing in an unsure market - only the strongest will survive this cleansing period.
10.Create a virus - make something that your customers will absolutely love, and give it to them for free or extremely cheap. Let them spread the ideavirus. Turn them into loyal followers instead of just passive customers.
Here's a list of 10 ways to make money online, does any of these interest you?
1.Make Money With Blogging
2.Sell Digital Products
3.Run a Network of Turnkey Websites
4.Review Products & Digital Goods
5.Sell Informational Articles & eBooks
6.Affiliate Marketing
7.Sell Advertising and Website Promotion Services
8.Flip Websites
9.Buy and Sell Domain Names
10.Have a Big Idea
thank you for visiting my blog.
Great Book List
One Great Book List
Wikinomics - http://www.wikinomics.com/book/
NY Times Best Sellers -http://www.nytimes.com/best-sellers-books/overview.html
By Gabriel Harper.
Here are some of my favorite and most highly recommended business, marketing and software books:
Business and Marketing
Blink by Malcolm Gladwell
Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne
Business @ The Speed of Thought by Bill Gates
Freakonomics by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner
Good to Great by Jim Collins
Growing Great Employees by Erika Andersen
Gut Feelings: The Intelligence of the Unconscious by Gerd Gigerenzer
How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie
Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert B. Cialdini, Ph.D.
My Start-Up Life by Ben Casnocha
Software That Sells by Edward Hasted
StrengthsFinder 2.0 by Tom Rath
The Essential Drucker by Peter F. Drucker
The Starbucks Experience by Joseph A. Michelli
The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell
Unleashing the Ideavirus by Seth Godin
Software and Technology
Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management by Thomas Connolly and Carolyn Begg
Just for Fun by Linus Torvalds
Software Project Management: From Concept to Deployment by Kieron Conway
Software Requirements by Karl E. Wiegers
The Cathedral & the Bazaar by Eric S. Raymond
Chaos by James Gleick
Godel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas R. Hofstadter
On Intelligence by Jeff Hawkins
"Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!" by Richard P. Feynman
The Dancing Wu Li Masters by Gary Zukav
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas S. Kuhn
Fantasy and Science Fiction
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
The Sword of Truth (a series) by Terry Goodkind
The Wheel of Time (a series) by Robert Jordan
Vurt by Jeff Noon
See more at: http://gabrielharper.com/blog/2008/08/books/
BWW Recommended Reading List
Title Book of the Month Author
21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader John C. Maxwell
7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change Stephen R. Covey
A Rendezvous With Destiny December, 2013 Janz, James E.
Art of Dealing With People Les Giblin
Bringing Out The Best in People Alan Loy McGinnis
Don't Let Anybody Steal Your Dream Dexter Yager Sr.
Dynamic People Skills Dexter Yager and Ron Ball
Dynamic People Skills-Spanish (Destrezas Dinamicas para Tratar a las Personas) Dexter Yager and Ron Ball
Five Love Languages Gary Chapman
Generation iY: Our Last Chance to Save Their Future June, 2014 Tim Elmore
Habilidad en el Trato Personal (Spanish Skill With People) Les Giblin
How I Raised Myself From Failure To Success in Selling Frank Bettger
How to Be People Smart Les Giblin
How to Start a Conversation and Make Friends Don Gabor
How to Win Friends and Influence People Dale Carnegie
Kill the Elevator Speech: Stop Selling, Start Connecting April, 2015 Felicia J Slattery
Last Prospecting Guide You'll Ever Need: Direct Sales Edition Bog Burg
Magic Of Thinking Big David J Schwartz
Mo! Everyday Heroes Who Live with Momentum, Motivation and Moxie June, 2015 Shawn Doyle & Lauren Anderson
No More Excuses: The Five Accountabilities for Personal and Organizational Growth March, 2015 Sam Silverstein
Opening Your Presence July, 2015 Greta Muller
Personality Plus: How to Understand Others By Understanding Yourself Florence Littauer
Power Of Positive Thinking Dr. Norman Vincent Peale
Skill With People Les Giblin
Take Life By The Helm! Proven Strategies For Gaining Control May, 2014 Doug Neilsen
The 5 Levels of Leadership: Proven Steps to Maximize Your Potential September, 2014 John C. Maxwell
The Difference You Make: Changing Your World through the Impact of Your Influence-Special Clearance December, 2014 Pat Williams and Jim Denney
The RichLife: Ten Investments for True Wealth October, 2015 Beau Henderson
The Secrets for Getting Things Done May, 2015 Vicent Harris
The Unstoppable Power Within: Imagine the Possibilities February, 2015 Kieran Revell
Think & Grow Rich Napoleon Hill
Time Basics August, 2015 Jim Muncy
Turn Setbacks into Greenbacks September, 2015 Dr. Willie Jolley
What To Say When You Talk To Yourself Shad Helmstetter, Ph.D.
Wisdom for Winners: A Millionaire Mindset January, 2015 Jim Stovall
You Can, You Will: 8 Undeniable Qualities of a Winner Joel Osteen
Your Next Chapter: Re-Writing Your Life Success Story (Special Clearance) Evelyn D. Watkins
Good to Great – Jim Collins
Made to Stick – Chip and Dan Heath
Reality is Broken – Jane McGonigal
Mavericks at Work – William Taylor and Polly LaBarre
The Lean Startup – Eric Ries
From: http://expertenough.com/2296/10-life-changing-ways-to-invest-in-yourself
10 Técnicas para cooperar com a ansiedade.
A ansiedade muitas vezes pode bater á porta e causar variações no sistema nervoso e algumas pessoas são capazes de ignorar.
Se você é um dos milhões que luta com ansiedade, a boa notícia é que muitos podem se sentir melhor, mesmo sem medicação. Você pode tomar uma atitude positiva própria para dominar a ansiedade e sentir-te mais no controlo. É claro, especialmente se os seus sintomas estão piorando, por favor consulte o seu médico ou outro profissional de saúde para conselhos tratamento.
Tanto o corpo e a mente estão envolvidos na ansiedade. É um círculo vicioso - os pensamentos preocupantes e negativos constantes podem produzir sintomas físicos, que podem causar pensamentos mais ansiosos. Torna-se um padrão que torna-se difícil de se ver livre. (Mas não é impossível, basta usar um pouco de honestidade e senso comum.)
Combater sua ansiedade em ambos os níveis mental e físico, é praticando estas 10 estratégias que penso ajudar muitos.
Maneiras físicas de diminuir ansiedade
Tente estas para reduzir fisicamente níveis de ansiedade:
1. Respire.
Respiração é vital, deixe de fumar. Respirar profunda e lentamente.
2. Mexa-se.
Use a energia extra que seu corpo produz quando está ansioso. Se não fizeres isso, ela acumula-se e torna-te nervoso. Ao fazer exercício frequente, vai evitar o corpo armazenar o excesso de adrenalina. Ver também "Spark" por John Ratey onde ele explica detalhes como o exercício é eficaz na ansiedade comparado com medicamento de prescrição (...Zoloft...).
3. Assente-se tranquilo.
Embora seja importante exercitar, estar sentado tranquilo durante o dia é preciso. Se passares por um episódio de ataque de pânico ou ansiedade, esforçar-te a ficar onde estás concentra-te em técnicas de relaxamento, como respiração profunda, para ajudar a prevenir a ansiedade paralizante.
A ansiedade pode piorar por um momento, mas pela respiração e sentando podes afastar a ansiedade a distância. Essa técnica também é útil para ti, porque prepara-te e faz-te sentir mais confiante na próxima experiência de ansiedade.
4. Distraia-te.
É difícil pensar sentires-te nervoso quando estás ativamente envolvido em outras atividades. Ajude os outros, jogar um jogo, ou faz outra coisa que requer concentração total assim que começares a sentir-te ansioso.
5. Fica em forma.
Estar fisicamente apto pode ajudar-te a sentir melhor de saúde e reduz ansiedade. Não é um objetivo rápido, mas mais um objetivo a longo prazo que irás perseguir diariamente. Estar em boa condição física é muito útil na prevenção de ansiedade.
Maneiras mentais de diminuir ansiedade:
Uma atitude mental positiva é tão importante como a utilização de técnicas físicas para ajudar a superar a sua ansiedade. Há muitas maneiras que você pode usar seus recursos mentais para encontrar a paz e calma no meio do caos de ansiedade.
Siga estas técnicas para lidar com a sua ansiedade ao nível mental:
6. Eduque-se.
É difícil lutar contra algo que você não entende. Saiba mais sobre a condição para ter melhor compreensão do que estás a enfrentar.
7. Rede/Círculo.
Converse com outras pessoas, pode ajudá-lo a se sentir melhor e trazer estratégias adicionais que têm trabalhado na sua situação. Estenda a mão para os outros!
8. Use o sinal de stop.
Imagine um grande sinal de STOP em sua mente quando você começa a ter pensamentos ansiosos. A técnica de sinal de STOP é um ótimo lugar para começar.
9. Auto-sugestão, afirmações a nós próprios.
Diga declarações positivas para si mesmo a cada dia para ajudarte a ficar forte e corajoso. Por exemplo: "Eu sou uma pessoa de valor e digna, e tenho muito a dar ao mundo."
10. Separe um tempo para se preocupar.
Se você colocar alguns minutos a cada dia em um horário definido e dedicar-ser a preocupar apenas com nesse tempo, você encontrará logo que ela se torna uma tarefa - fazer você se preocupar menos. Por apenas permitindo-se preocupar-se nesse período curto, você pode programar sua mente preocupar-se menos.
Não importa quanto tempo você teve ansiedade, você pode mudar isso. Quando você aplica as técnicas mentais e físicas para a obter melhoras, você irá descobrir que é você - e não a ansiedade - que está no controle!
Artigo escrito por Rafael Silva Antunes - GED 2007, A+ Certified Technician, Web-designer. Author & IT Professional.
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