Showing posts with label preface. Show all posts
Showing posts with label preface. Show all posts

Thursday, October 05, 2017

Let's read a Java Document...

intro-java-cc.pdf --------------> Picture

Download book here (Portuguese Language Book):  intro-java-cc.pdf


       Dear readers, welcome to the wonderful world of Computer Science.With this book, you'll have the opportunity to learn the basic elements of computers programming and have contact with some fundamental concepts of Computer Science.
       This book is the result of experience from the students of the subject Introduction to the Science of Computation ministered at IME/USP using orientation to objects and Java language of 2003 to 2006. Since 2005, this approach is also applied at USP East with their 180 students of the course Information Systems. Influenced by the method proposed by ACM (Association for Computer Machinery) and by IEEE(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) in their curriculum Objects-First, our approach avoids the problem of starting to teach without the use of objects to later require from the student a change of paradigm with the introduction of objects. Eliminating this way the need to say "forget the form we program until now; now we go learn the right way."
      Presenting the concepts of orientation to objects from the beginning of teaching programming, the approach adopted here allows the student to initiate his formation in programming in a balanced form. Learning both concepts algorithmic and structural at the same time he gets in contact with fundamental practices of programming such as Automated Tests and the use of clear names for the elements of the code, the reader obtains a basic view however wider of what is more important to development of software.
     We hope this book be useful for both students of Higher Education in Informatics, professionals of the Market and the other curious that want to acquire knowledge in the area of software development.
Our objective is that this book can help you in the fascinating work of learning to program in elegant and efficient form, and that it can allow a good start towards a solid formation in programming which is a fundamental condition that Informatics challenges of XXI Century imposes us.

Hugs and good journey!
São Paulo, March 2006.
Alfredo Goldman, Fabio Kon e Paulo J.S. Silva

The Book:
Departamento de Ciência da Computação

Ficha Catalográfica Elaborada pela
Biblioteca do IME-USP

Kon, Fabio; Goldman, Alfredo; Silva P. J. S.
Introdução à ciência da computação com Java e orientação a
objetos, editado e revisado por Raphael Y. de Camargo. 1. ed.
São Paulo : IME-USP, 2006. 190p.

ISBN: 85-88697-10-6
1. Linguagem de Programação 2. Programação orientada
a objeto 3. Java I. Goldman, Alfredo II. Silva, Paulo J. S. III.
Camargo, Raphael Y. de, ed. e rev. IV. Universidade de São
Paulo, Instituto de Matemática e Estatística. Departamento de
Ciência da Computação.