Showing posts with label Observações. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Observações. Show all posts

Thursday, April 16, 2015

How to play Chess ! Tips

Here is some compilation of tips to play chess!

#1 Protect your king
Get your king to the corner of the board where he is usually safer. Don’t put off castling. You should usually castle as quickly as possible. Remember, it doesn’t matter how close you are to checkmating your opponent if your own king is checkmated first!

#2 Don’t give pieces away
Don’t carelessly lose your pieces! Each piece is valuable and you can’t win a game without pieces to checkmate. There is an easy system that most players use to keep track of the relative value of each chess piece:
A pawn is worth 1
A knight is worth 3
A bishop is worth 3
A rook is worth 5
A queen is worth 9
The king is infinitely valuable

#3 Control the center
You should try and control the center of the board with your pieces and pawns. If you control the center, you will have more room to move your pieces and will make it harder for your opponent to find good squares for his pieces. In the example above white makes good moves to control the center while black plays bad moves.

#4 Use all of your pieces
In the example above white got all of his pieces in the game! Your pieces don’t do any good when they are sitting back on the first row. Try and develop all of your pieces so that you have more to use when you attack the king. Using one or two pieces to attack will not work against any decent opponent.

Mating Pre-requisites:
The main goal in chess is to mate the opponent. This can be done indirectly by creating a decisive material advantage, or via a straightforward mating attack. However, one shouldn’t aim for an assault in any position. If there are no prerequisites for it, you will probably run into trouble by forcing matters.

In most cases mating attacks occur in the middle game, but sometimes in the opening (due to careless play) or the endgame (even without queens on board). Let’s review the typical prerequisites of a mating attack:

1.Prerequisites based on the position!

1)Location of the king
If the king is in the centre, hasn’t castled or is exposed, it is worth considering attacking it. A king is a very slow piece. Should it get stuck in the centre while many pieces are in the game, it has great chances to be eliminated soon.

2)Lead in development
A player with a lead in development has more active pieces. This may become a good factor for starting an attack.

3)Pawn structure
When the king is safely hidden by a chain of pawns on their initial squares (e.g. f2-g2-h2), it is one thing. Typical pawn moves (g3, h3) create weak squares that can be exploited by the opponent.

4)Location of pieces
When most of your pieces are targeting the opponent’s king, it may serve as an indication of an upcoming attack. The rule of thumb is that it’s better to have more pieces in the attack than your opponent has in the defence. To simplify matters, some American authors assign $ value to pieces and calculate how large an “investment” each player has in the conflict.

5)Space advantage
Advantage in space allows one to maneuver and relocate the pieces quickly. In such situations the defender may not be able to regroup his forces as quickly as the attacker, and thus lose.

6)Command of the centre
This item is similar to the previous one. The player who has control of the centre has no difficulty transferring his pieces to attacking positions. When a piece is located in the center, it is usually more effective (especially knights).

7)Opposite-side castles
Opposite-side castles often lead to races on different sides of the board, when each player is trying to find the right balance between defending and attacking the opponent. Opposite-side castles allow the attacker to use pawns actively (e.g. sacrificing them to open up files) since his own king’s pawn shield won’t suffer (due to being placed on the other side of the board).

2.Prerequisites that are not based on positional factors!

1)Your opponent is afraid of attacks
By studying your opponent’s games, you may find out what types of positions he prefers and dislikes. If you see that he is a very poor defender, you may want to play actively.

2)Time trouble

It is very hard to defend well in time trouble, so the time factor can be used to one’s advantage too. However, one shouldn’t rely on reckless attacks and cheap tricks (hoping that the opponent will fall for them in time trouble) unless one is completely lost.
Sometimes a single prerequisite is enough for starting an attack, while in other cases a few are required. It is also important to keep an eye on your partner’s options. Quite often people are so excited about their attack that they go all-in, create structural weaknesses in their position and lose to counter-attacking players.

The following game was played in 2007. By reviewing it you will see a few methods of collaboration between pieces in an attack.
Some Opening Principles and Chess Strategies
Quick List of Chess Strategies:
* Avoid Moving a Chess Piece Twice During the Opening is a good chess strategy.
* It is Better Chess Strategy to Develop the Knights before Their Respective Bishops.
* A good chess strategy is to Develop Both Knights before the Queen’s Bishop.
* A good chess strategy is Do Not Develop your Chess Pieces Exclusively on One Side.
* A good chess strategy is as a Rule Do Not Play a Piece beyond Your Own Side of the Board in the Opening.
* A good chess strategy is if You Have Castled Do Not Permit the Opponent to Open a File on Your King.
* A good chess strategy is to Avoid Pinning the Opponent’s King’s Knight before He has Castled, Especially When You Have Yourself Castled on the King’s Side.
* A good chess strategy is to Avoid Making Exchanges which Develop Another Piece for the Opponent.
* A good chess strategy is to Avoid Exchanging Bishops for Knights Early in the Game.
* A good chess strategy is to Avoid Premature Attacks.

First read My System by Nimzovitch, next read something by Euwe, Fine, Kotov or Romanovsky - they all wrote excellent works on middle games and general strategic principles.

You should also work on endgame principles, try reading a general endgame book by Chernev, Euwe or Keres for starters. Fine Basic Chess Endings is indispensable as a general endgame reference book, but it's not meant to be read all the way through any more than a dictionary is.


Success Mindset
Success Mindset Affirmations
Achieving Goals Affirmations
Rock Solid Willpower Affirmations
Become More Assertive Affirmations
Become More Decisive Affirmations
Become More Ambitious Affirmations
Push Through Failure Affirmations
Overcome Fear of Failure Affirmations
Increase Determination Affirmations

Money Mastery
Millionaire Mindset Affirmations
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Motivation Affirmations
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Tap Into Your Personal Power Affirmations
Hungry for Life Affirmations
Become More Adventurous Affirmations

Increase Productivity Affirmations
Stop Procrastination Affirmations
Self Discipline Affirmations
Organization Skills Affirmations
Time Management Affirmations
Early Riser Affirmations
Love Cleaning Affirmations

Law of Attraction
Law of Attraction Affirmations
Attract Luck Affirmations
Attract Money Affirmations
Attract Success Affirmations
Attract Health Affirmations
Attract Opportunities Affirmations
Attract Romance Affirmations
Attract Your Soul Mate Affirmations
Attract a New Car Affirmations
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Attract a Holiday Affirmations
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Attitude of Gratitude Affirmations
Attraction Accelerator Affirmations
Attract Your Dream Career Affirmations
Natural Manifestation: The Law of Attraction Affirmations

Positive Thinking
Positive Thinking Affirmations
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Love Yourself Affirmations
Smile More Affirmations
Positive Self Talk Affirmations
Enjoy Your Own Company Affirmations
Say Yes More Affirmations

Stop Self Sabotage
Stop Self Sabotage Affirmations
Overcome Fear of Rejection Affirmations
Stop Worrying Affirmations
Stop Complaining Affirmations
Live Without Regrets Affirmations
Stop Talking to Yourself Affirmations
Overcome Obsessive Thoughts Affirmations
Stop Self Pity Affirmations
Stop Using Bad Language Affirmations
Stop Feeling Inferior Affirmations
Stop Feeling Insecure Affirmations
Release Your Inhibitions Affirmations

Confidence Affirmations
Self Esteem Affirmations
Self Belief Affirmations
Inner Peace Affirmations
Learn to Say No Affirmations
Overcome Shyness Affirmations
Stop Being Embarrassed Affirmations
Fear of Public Speaking Affirmations
Voice Projection Affirmations
Inner Strength Affirmations
Stop Caring what People Think Affirmations
I Am Beautiful Affirmations

Family Life
Become a Good Parent Affirmations
Forgive Your Parents Affirmations
Connect with Your Son Affirmations
Connect with Your Daughter Affirmations

Personal Growth
Personal Development Affirmations
Self Help Affirmations
Resolve Inner Conflict Affirmations
Anger Management Affirmations
Let Your Emotions Out Affirmations
Control Your Emotions Affirmations
Develop Courage Affirmations
Resolve Past Shame Affirmations
Emotional Health Affirmations
Emotional Intelligence Affirmations

Social Skills
Improve Social Skills Affirmations
Improve Communication Skills Affirmations
Dealing with Confrontation Affirmations
Develop Charisma Affirmations
Extrovert Personality Affirmations
Ego Control Affirmations
Become More Outgoing Affirmations
Naturally Start Conversations Affirmations
Win Friends and Influence People Affirmations
Make People Like You Affirmations
Enjoy Meeting people Affirmations
Enjoy Socializing Affirmations
Compromise with Others Affirmations

Be a Better Friend
Be a Better Friend Affirmations
Be a Better Listener Affirmations
Make New Friends Affirmations
Stop Criticizing People Affirmations
Empathize with People Affirmations

Future You
Plan Your Future Affirmations
Life of My Design Affirmations
Break Free from Your Past Affirmations

Brain Training
Improve Memory Affirmations
Photographic Memory Affirmations
Improve Concentration Affirmations
Speed Reading Affirmations
Increase IQ Affirmations
Improve Chess Skills Affirmations
Improve Critical Thinking Affirmations
Improve Logical Thinking Affirmations
Enhance Common Sense Affirmations
Mental Clarity Affirmations
Enhance Perception Skills Affirmations

Success in School
Improve Math Affirmations
Improve Spelling Affirmations
Revision Aid: Exam Success Affirmations
Science Study Skills Affirmations
Stop Daydreaming Affirmations
Enjoy School Affirmations
Pass Your Driving Test Affirmations
Enjoy Reading Affirmations

Weight Loss
Weight Loss Affirmations
Think Yourself Thin Affirmations
Motivation to Exercise Affirmations
Healthy Eating Habits Affirmations
Increase Metabolism Body Image Affirmations
Perfect Body Shape for Men Affirmations
Perfect Weight Affirmations
Weight Loss Hero

Health and Immune System
Improve Health Affirmations
Anti-aging Affirmations
Boost Immune System Affirmations
Heal Your Mind and Body Affirmations
Overcome Disease Affirmations

Pain Relief
Block Out Pain Affirmations
Back Pain Affirmations
Correct Posture Affirmations
Migraine Relief Affirmations
Headache Relief Affirmations
Tension Headache Relief Affirmations

Sleep and Relaxation
Sleep Affirmations
Insomnia Affirmations
All Day Energy Affirmations
Eliminate Exhaustion Affirmations
Relaxation Affirmations
Stress Relief Affirmations
Stop Nightmares Affirmations
Stop Night Terrors Affirmations
Remember Your Dreams Affirmations

Hair Loss
Hair Loss Affirmations
Melatonin Boost Affirmations
Reverse Gray Hair Affirmations

Diet Willpower
Motivation to Diet Affirmations
Stop Eating Junk Food Affirmations
Stop Chocolate Addiction Affirmations
Stop Comfort Eating Affirmations
Stop Late Night Snacking Affirmations
Control Your Hunger Affirmations

Astral Projection Affirmations
Increase Psychic Powers Affirmations
Become Telepathic Affirmations
Meditation Affirmations
View Auras Affirmations
Remote Viewing Affirmations
Lucid Dreaming Affirmations

Increase Creativity Affirmations
Become a Writer Affirmations
Overcome Writer's Block Affirmations
Become an Artist Affirmations
Become a Photographer Affirmations

What Are Positive Affirmations?
Why Are There Three Different Sets of Affirmations?
What Is the Best Way to Listen?

Thursday, April 02, 2015

Guia do Estudante

Ajuda Universitária

Olá Estimado Leitor,
Já teve problema para assimilar o conteúdo de uma cadeira? Dificuldades pra entender os assuntos? Este post é pra você meu filho(a)!! Separei algumas dicas pra dar uma ajudinha nos estudos. Vamos lá?

1) Antes de qualquer coisa, a primeira palavra é ORGANIZAÇÃO. Isso mesmo. Pra ter um aproveitamento maior daquilo que você estuda (e do resto das coisas da vida também) não tem pra onde correr, é preciso um mínimo de organização. Isso quer dizer, que é importante ter um tempo específico para o estudo, em certa medida a rotina é fundamental. Desta forma, é recomendável que se tenha um período específico do dia, que não precisa ser de 24 horas ou 24 minutos, que sejam dedicados ao estudo. Mas, na hora de fazer o cronograma seja realista e respeite seus limites, pra não desanimar, ok?

2) Se ler o assunto já é bom, saiba que escrever torna ainda melhor o estudo, como já confirmam algumas pesquisas. Além disso, é interessante evitar digitar as anotações, e sim, copiar à mão (como sempre era feito há muitoooooo atrás). Ler e escrever aumenta o nível de concentração.

3) Quando se trata de estudo de verdade, é melhor esquecer os amigos. É, você sabe que com eles não dá certo né? E além disso, o estudar só inclui também não estar acompanhado dos aparelhos eletrônicos, quaisquer que sejam. Desliga isso tudo, porque você só vai conseguir perder tempo, é interessante sempre estar em um lugar organizado e calmo. Beleza?

4) A sala de aula é um lugar muito importante. Mas não é apenas lá que conseguiremos aprender, nela vamos tirar dúvidas de coisas que já estudamos ou que ainda não vimos direito. Além disso, uma prática que ajuda muito com o acúmulo de coisas pra estudar, algo que todo mundo enfrenta é revisar a matéria do dia da aula.

5) Tem gente que diz que não se pode ouvir música estudando. Até pode, desde que seja em uma língua desconhecida. Isso vai garantir que você não se distraia. Pra que você fique mais relaxado, além dá música, você pode se alongar ou fazer um exercício leve que ajude sua mente a entender que você está prestes a estudar.

Por enquanto é tudo! Espero que estas dicas ajudem vocês como me ajudaram. Boa sorte a todos os universitários nos estudos. As aulas da maioria já começaram ou vão começar, então mãos á obra.
Bom dia!!!


Monday, March 09, 2015

Michael Dell & Bill Gates Entrevistas !


MARCH 4, 2015
Michael Dell Remarks at the Economic Club of Washington
Michael Dell, founder and chief executive of computer technology firm Dell Inc., delivered keynote remarks before a breakfast event hosted by the Economic Club of Washington. He talked about his experience of dropping out of college and starting his company at the age of 19, and the ongoing impact of technology and innovation on the global economy.

Março 4, 2015
Michael Dell observações no Clube Económico de Washington
Michael Dell , fundador e executivo-chefe da empresa de tecnologia de computadores Dell Inc., entregou observações keynote antes de um evento de pequeno-almoço organizada pelo Clube Econômico de Washington. Ele falou sobre a sua experiência de abandonar a faculdade e iniciar sua empresa com a idade de 19 anos, e o impacto contínuo da tecnologia e da inovação na economia global.

Bill Gates entrevista com Charlie Rose

Thursday, April 05, 2012


Assertividade é a habilidade social de fazer afirmação dos próprios direitos e expressar pensamentos, sentimentos e crenças de maneira direta, clara, honesta e apropriada ao contexto, de modo a não violar o direito das outras pessoas.

A postura assertiva é uma virtude, pois se mantém no justo meio-termo entre dois extremos inadequados, um por excesso (agressão), outro por falta (submissão). Ser assertivo é dizer "sim" e "não" quando for preciso.

Pessoas com comportamento mais assertivo sentem menos ansiedade, tem maior grau de internalidade segundo o critério de locus de controle de Levenson e melhor auto-estima.

Conviver com pessoas assertivas também aumenta a auto-estima e diminui a agressividade.
Parte da terapia analítico-comportamental para melhorar as habilidades sociais e diminuir a agressividade dos pacientes envolve um treino de assertividade. Segundo um estudo, para esse treinamento a técnica mais eficaz foi praticar esse comportamento assertivo em consultório com o terapeuta modelando esse comportamentos de acordo com a terapia racional, uma técnica da terapia cognitivo-comportamental . [4] Porém esse treino está sendo usado e pesquisado como uma forma de lidar com a agressividade enquanto o treinamento de emitir comportamentos de amor e carinho assertivamente está sendo negligenciado.

É uma habilidade valorizada no meio profissional sendo ocasionalmente testada em processos de seleção e treinamento. Pode ser avaliada usando a Escala de Assertividade Rathus.

Um treino de assertividade eficaz possível é o de pedir ao paciente para planejar reações assertivas a situações nas quais ele tem dificuldade de reagir e emparelha-las com o reforço positivo posterior.

Por exemplo:
Paciente: -Ontem assim que cheguei do trabalho minha esposa como sempre começou a reclamar do trabalho dela, eu deixei ela falando sozinha e ela ficou furiosa comigo. Nem falou comigo hoje. Terapeuta: -Você concorda que essa briga poderia ter sido evitada? Você consegue pensar em algo que você poderia ter feito para evitar essa briga? Paciente: -Eu não quero ouvir reclamações quando chego cansado e estressado em casa! Terapeuta: -E porque você não fala isso a ela, que está cansado e estressado e que não é a hora adequada para ela falar sobre isso. Como você acha que ela respoderia? Paciente: -É. Teria sido menos pior.

Link com informação sobre Assertividade e sua relação com Stress. - script=sci_arttext&pid=S0103-166X2005000200001&lng=en&nrm=iso

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Força da Natureza, auto-controlo humano.

Aqui, estou e confirmo que a força da natureza é imponente, o ser humano exige auto-controlo e isto demonstra raciocínio.
Eu autor deste blog considero o stress como um bom mecanismo de auto-defesa, ele representa os teus sentidos alerta para o inesperado e para uma consciência sempre activa para atingir os resultados desejados.

Saturday, January 07, 2012

Life is X+X+X

Life is X+X+X. Yesterday is Xperience. Today is Xperiment. Tomorrow is Xpectation. So use Ur Xperience in your Xperiment to achieve Ur Xpectation............................. Every bad situation will have something positive... even a stopped clock shows correct time twice a day... Think of this and lead ur life... STAY HAPPY.......... Thought to always remember- Respect the old when u r young. Help the weak when u r strong. Confess the fault when u r wrong. Coz one day u will be Old, Weak & Wrong... The most determinative sentence which should always be followed in life:- THE RACE IS NOT OVER... B'coz....... I HAVN'T WoN YET.... If we both exchange a rupee, we both have 1 rupee each, But if we exchange one good thought, we both have two good thoughts... Wishes for a THOUGHTFUL DAY... "Few Relations In Earth Never Die" Want to know... What is it? Read this... (F)few (R)relations (I)in (E)earth (N)never (D)die World's most beautiful sentence..... =>..... BUT, I LOVE YOU. and World's most selfish/painful sentence..... =>I LOVE YOU, BUT...

Source: deepak21071974

Monday, January 02, 2012


“Dos diversos instrumentos do homem,
o mais assombroso é, sem dúvida, o livro.
Os outros são extensões de seu corpo.
O microscópio, o telescópio, são extensões da vista;
o telefone é a extensão da voz;
temos o arado e a espada, extensões do braço.
Mas o livro é outra coisa:
o livro é uma extensão da memória e da imaginação."
— Jorge Luis Borges.

Desenvolvimento Urbano

“Não se trata simplesmente de um lugar de passagem e circulação. A invasão dos automóveis e a pressão dessa indústria, isto é, do lobby do automóvel, fazem dele um objeto-piloto, do estacionamento uma obsessão, da circulação um objetivo prioritário, destruidores de toda vida social e urbana. Aproxima-se o dia em que será preciso limitar os direitos e poderes do automóvel, não sem dificuldades e destruições.

A rua? É o lugar (topia) do encontro, sem o qual não existem outros encontros possíveis nos lugares determinados (cafés, teatros, salas diversas). Esses lugares privilegiados animam as ruas e são favorecidos por sua animação, ou então não existem. Na rua, teatro espontâneo, torno-me espetáculo e espectador, às vezes ator. Nela efetua-se o movimento, a mistura, sem os quais não há vida urbana, mas separação, segregação estipulada e imobilizada. Quando se suprimiu a rua (desde Le Corbusier, nos “novos conjuntos”), viu-se as consequências: a extinção da vida, a redução da “cidade” a dormitório, a aberrante funcionalização da existência. A rua contém as funções negligenciadas por Le Corbusier: a função informativa, a função simbólica, a função lúdica. Nela joga-se, nela aprende-se.

A rua é a desordem? Certamente. Todos os elementos da vida urbana, noutra parte congelados numa ordem imóvel e redundante, liberam-se e afluem às ruas e por elas em direção aos centros; aí se encontram, arrancados de seus lugares fixos. Essa desordem vive. Informa. Surpreende. Além disso, essa desordem constrói uma ordem superior. Os trabalhos de Jane Jacobs mostraram que nos Estados Unidos, a rua (movimentada, frequentada) fornece a única segurança possível contra a violência criminal (roubo, estupro, agressão). Onde quer que a rua desapareça, a criminalidade aumenta, se organiza. Na rua, e por esse espaço, um grupo (a própria cidade) se manifesta, aparece, apropria-se dos lugares, realiza um tempo-espaçȯ apropriado. Uma tal apropriação mostra que o uso e o valor de uso podem dominar a troca e o valor de troca. Quanto ao acontecimento revolucionário, ele geralmente ocorre na rua (em caso de ameaça, a primeira imposição do poder é a interdição à permanência e à reunião na rua). Isso não mostra também que sua desordem engendra uma outra ordem?

O espaço urbano da rua não é o lugar da palavra, o lugar da troca pelas palavras e signos, assim como pelas coisas? Não é o lugar privilegiado no qual se escreve a palavra? Onde ela pôde tornar-se “selvagem” e inscrever-se nos muros, escapando das prescrições e instituições?

Cibernautas é 2012

Olá cibernautas.
Espero que se encontrem bem, estavelmente, e com saúde dentro dos possíveis.

Escrevo alguns apontamentos de Filosofia que tenho de analisar:

Aqueles que exaltam o poder da vontade e menosprezam o poder do meio desmentem as suas palavras pelos seus actos.

Simplificado -> Aqueles que en

Aqueles que exaltam/glorificam/engradecem o poder da vontade e menosprezam/desprezam o poder do meio desmentem/contradizem/contestam as suas palavras pelos seus actos.

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Nínguem em particular.

This was a very timely message for me. I hope
others will take time to read and reflect on it.
 Quoting: Shield 1470364

This was Michael at his best and Jess is the receiver who loves to carry teaching of this sort. Perfect match and I loved it. There is one thru Hazel I like a lot too, its more intended for the "rebels" on this planet who like to cheat their way to the top. That was the Idea of Lucifer, he could do it all, and keep everyone in his lair. Didn't work, he could NOT ENSOUL anyone, which is a major reason for the massive reincarnation on this planet. NOBODY NEW could be made by him and Caligastia did NOT allow anyone to leave this plane. Moses was forced to stay until the advent of Michael on this world. And so a lot of others, it was a "risky" venture to come as an avatar or for study reasons to earth, because if one did, they had no idea when they could be released. The release was 2000 years ago and then all who had reached 3rd circle at death go directly to the mansion worlds in the normal progression of things.

I can post it here, some of you may have missed it. Here it is, taken last August. I like it personally, makes me chuckle. And by the way, for any new readers who may be christian here, This does NOT mean that Muslims et all are not eligible. this applies to all in search of God. I think it's really clear, but some have misunderstood because of the idea no one is needed between one and God. That is true, no clerics and others can do your worth for you or are needed to intercede. But you have no choice but to go thru the lovely lovely schools prepared for you to partake of knowledge and which change you gradually into a spirit being. You cannot skip those schools of Nebadon (or your universe origin schools if not Nebadon), and you cannot skip the superuniverse learning experiences and you cannot skip the Havona schools. How FAST you go thru the system, is totally up to you, but you cannot bypass them. The curriculum is HOW you become Perfect like the Father in Heaven.

So if you missed this one, or did not understand it, read again and SMILE. Well I smiled anyway. Not only his Truth comes thru, but his humor.

'I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life
By Christ Michael
Aug 27, 2010

'I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life......-Christ Michael

‘'I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man commeth unto the Father but by me''

This was a pivotal piece of teaching bequeathed by the Master Jesus when He walked your earth plane, yet no man truly understood its meaning. Man was not sufficiently ready to receive this truth then and is scarcely ready to receive it now. Yet it is significant that during these auspicious times when the planet is about to enter a new cycle of life where dimensions anew are to be experienced and earned, man must awaken to a higher understanding of himself and he can only do so if he understands Me. Milestones have been achieved by mortals in terms of advancement, yet spiritually they fail to attune themselves to a great truth that if understood could change the tenor of their existence and path of soul evolution. I come again this day to effort to explain this simple yet understated Truth.

I am the Way means that I am your ticket to a new destination. The ticket is only dispensed when a choice is knowingly made. You must choose Me through belief and active seeking and you will be given directions that will enable you to plot the coordinates that shall keep you on the path as you create an enduring alliance with Me. When you are able to make this choice you will clearly see that I Am the Way out of the illusion of mortality into the reality of immortality.

So we have primarily established that I Am the Way to eternal life. Yet eternal life can only be guaranteed for those who can find and free their inner God presence. It is I who shall direct you ones on the course that you must adopt to achieve this feat for first you must know Me before you can know yourself and be inclined to liberate that which is divine within you.

I would like to explore with you a different perspective of what it means when I say 'I AM the ‘'Way'.' The ‘'Way'' cannot be separated from the ‘'Light'' as the light brings clarity of purpose and engenders a clear path to the destiny of choice. The ‘'Way and the ‘'Light'' therefore go hand in hand. I say that the Way is the Light and I am the Way and therefore the Light.

Yet another perspective of the ‘'Way'' shall I offer to you. Did I not birth my creation from love, being the reason and root cause? Did I not create by way of electric light waves of motion from the stillness of my mind? Is it therefore not true to say that stillness motivated by love to create by light is the ‘'Way''? Can you therefore not see that the ‘'Way'' is Love and Light and that when you choose Me you choose Love and Light? If Love and Light is the foundation of your earthly journey you will have found the ‘'Way''.

Did I not think my creation into being? Am I therefore not within my creation? Is the ultimate goal not to return to Source? If I am my creation and within my creation then the only way back to the Source is through Me. Does this make sense to you ones who need to rationalize ME?

I AM the Way, I AM the Light and I AM the Love manifested in my creation. I created from a point of stillness through Light motion. Does this not mean that if you choose the ‘'Way'' you too can create all which you desire to create? The ‘'Way'' enables you to reflect and be all that the ‘'Way'' is for are you not also the ‘'Way'' through Oneness with Me? The Way you shall become when you find and know Me.

I AM the Truth.

Man fights amongst himself seeking to have his truth rendered as superior to another. Yet hardly do men know what Truth is. You cannot know Truth unless you know Me- The ‘'Way''. For the ‘'Way'' shall always lead to the Truth. Man has belittled the Truth by tainting it with his personal agendas. The Truth is never influenced. It is impartial. It is inexplicable and beyond rationalization. The Truth must be known and that knowledge comes from knowing Me. Man's truth mostly is generated by that which is external, seldom reconcilable with his inner knowing and void of inner validation.

The TRUTH JUST IS AND IS JUST. That which is Truth knows only balance. It is as still, steadfast and immutable as the Creator. There lies no mystery or magic in Truth. I can say no more except to remind you that Truth emanates from within you because its origin is divine.

When you choose the ‘'Way'', you choose the Truth and it is the Truth when known and accepted that shall lead you to attain the divine promise of eternal life. For at this point in your understanding you shall accept without hesitation that I AM THE LIFE, that which is eternal and so shall you be also when you can know this.

Beloveds the life I speak of is not of mortal orientation. It is life immortal to which I refer. Life resides only in the spirit not the flesh. The spirit is All- its longevity is guaranteed by the promise of eternal life. Yet eternal life is always a choice as much as a gift/promise. For I will never force my children to choose Me; they must freely make this choice. I can say to you that many have chosen to be uncreated instead of choosing Life. I wish to emphasize that even in your sphere of reality which is earth plane, you are eternal. Mortal death is merely a transition to allow the soul to take stock in order to determine the next level of experience needed along its ascending path.

You on earth during your incarnation must understand that your life on earth does not give you the freedom to do that which you please without being accountable or responsible. You do not, contrary to popular belief have one life to live. When you can understand that I am the Life and so too are you, then you will realize in your incarnation that what you do will always impact on the evolution of your immortal soul.

So what do I mean when I say ‘'No man commeth unto the Father but by me''.

The ultimate goal as I reminded you earlier is the return to the Source of ALL. Yet those created by Me can only return to the Source by Me for I AM THE WAY.

You cannot bypass Me to get to the Source for I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE.

You cannot fudge your way to the Source without Me for I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE.

You cannot cajole your way to the Source without me for I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE.

You cannot say that Christ Michael does not exist and seek to make your way back to the Source for I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE.

You cannot believe in the Source and not in Me for I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE.

You cannot know of Me, denounce Me and choose the Source for I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE.

When you know me, see me and hear me you will see, hear and know the Father, the Source- the Centre of All. I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE. You must become ONE WITH ME for I AM the Way to the Source.

My beloved children, it was a delight to once again effort to explain what this most crucial teaching means. I trust that I have brought clarity and ask that you ponder these words and see whether enlightenment dawns.

I am Christ Michael Aton, come this day to bring the word again and thank this my child for being the emissary of the truth.


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Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 08/24/2011 04:22 PM
It is NOT Rude of me to ask that on this very confused world, that it's citizens stop to think about what they carry around as "truth" that is indeed BLING. It is the time of the blind leading the blind and the internet makes that easy for everyone to get on their soapbox. This is not a bad time, but you must take responsibility for what YOU create, and be careful not to pass on the BLING as "truth." INSPECT everything, thus you can consciously grow your MIND/SOUL.

To Consciously GROW yourself, to have desire for knowledge, is of GOD. It is what makes you in fact, a SON of God. You are to develop your GOD MIND. THAT IS YOUR PURPOSE for YOUR LIFE ETERNAL. ALWAYS the continual Development of FIERY INTELLIGENCE, centered in heart. There is no other way to God KNOWING in fact.

Remember always the FATHER is WITHIN YOUR MIND and always available thusly to YOU without any intercession from another.