Thursday, April 02, 2015

AA iluminação - AA enlightenment

"Abstinência das coisas que me fazem mal, e moderação com as coisas que me fazem bem."

  • Alcoholism is a hopeless illness, as there is no effective treatment.
  • Alcohol needs some power greater than themselves to recover.
  • The central fact of addiction is loss of control, whether is tobacco, whether is alcohol, whether is cocaine. Loss of control and the phenomenon of craving.
  • He talked about producing an essential psychic change, he said you need some type of change needed to cure alcohol, something beyond human power.
  • Something greater than human power is needed to conquer an illness, there is no other illness, I know where Medical Profession has stated there is some type of power greater than human power that's needed for conquering the illness.
  • Let's talk about the problem, if you don't talk about the problem the solution doesn't make any sense.

-A study found an association between an increase in attendance to AA meetings with increased spirituality and a decrease in the frequency and intensity of alcohol use.

-His depression and despair were lifted, and he felt free and at peace. Bill stopped drinking, and worked the rest of his life to bring that freedom and peace to other alcoholics. The roots of Alcoholics Anonymous were planted.

-No esplendor dessa oração vemos que a derrota, quando bem aceita, não significa desastre.


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